SwingBot Trading System - BitMEX
SwingBot Trading System works with combination of AI sensitive and not sensitive large range models, making less trades, holding positions longer, having larger stop loss range, profit target above 3% from last trade, bot range resets to average entry price every 12 hours.

Current bot running on BitMEX position:

Current Position: -1,000 USD

Average entry: 64,374.51

Stop loss: 71,399.00

Snapshot UTC Time: 04/26/2024 00:00 - updates once a day

SwingBot: All-Time period

Returns: BTC +25.66% USD +787.93%

SwingBot: Six Months Period

Returns: BTC +4.09% USD +92.84%

SwingBot: Three Months Period

Returns: BTC +3.5% USD +67.21%